Source code for py420chan.board

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests

from . import __version__
from .thread import Thread
from .url import Url

# cached metadata for boards
_metadata = {}

# compatibility layer for Python2's `basestring` variable
    unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    # 'unicode' is undefined, must be Python 3
    str = str
    unicode = str
    bytes = bytes
    basestring = str, bytes
    # 'unicode' exists, must be Python 2
    str = str
    unicode = unicode
    bytes = str
    basestring = basestring

def _fetch_boards_metadata(url_generator):
    if not _metadata:
        resp = requests.get(url_generator.board_list())
        data = {entry['board']: entry for entry in resp.json()['boards']}

def _get_board_metadata(url_generator, board, key):
    return _metadata[board][key]

[docs]def get_boards(board_name_list, *args, **kwargs): """Given a list of boards, return :class:`basc_py4chan.Board` objects. Args: board_name_list (list): List of board names to get, eg: ['b', 'tg'] Returns: dict of :class:`basc_py4chan.Board`: Requested boards. """ if isinstance(board_name_list, basestring): board_name_list = board_name_list.split() return [Board(name, *args, **kwargs) for name in board_name_list]
[docs]def get_all_boards(*args, **kwargs): """Returns every board on 4chan. Returns: dict of :class:`basc_py4chan.Board`: All boards. """ # Use https based on how the Board class instances are to be instantiated https = kwargs.get('https', args[1] if len(args) > 1 else False) # Dummy URL generator, only used to generate the board list which doesn't # require a valid board name url_generator = Url(None, https) _fetch_boards_metadata(url_generator) return get_boards(_metadata.keys(), *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Board(object): """Represents a Board. Attributes: name (str): Name of this board, such as ``tg`` or ``k``. name (string): Name of the board, such as "tg" or "etc". title (string): Board title, such as "Animu and Mango". is_worksafe (bool): Whether this board is worksafe. page_count (int): How many pages this board has. threads_per_page (int): How many threads there are on each page. """
[docs] def __init__(self, board_name, https=False, session=None): """Creates a :mod:`basc_py4chan.Board` object. Args: board_name (string): Name of the board, such as "tg" or "etc". https (bool): Whether to use a secure connection to 4chan. session: Existing requests.session object to use instead of our current one. """ self._board_name = board_name self._https = https self._protocol = 'https://' if https else 'http://' self._url = Url(board=board_name, https=self._https) self._requests_session = session or requests.session() self._requests_session.headers['User-Agent'] = 'py-4chan/%s' % __version__ self._thread_cache = {}
def _get_metadata(self, key): return _get_board_metadata(self._url, self._board_name, key) def _get_json(self, url): res = self._requests_session.get(url) res.raise_for_status() return res.json()
[docs] def get_thread(self, thread_id, update_if_cached=True, raise_404=False): """Get a thread from 4chan via 4chan API. Args: thread_id (int): Thread ID update_if_cached (bool): Whether the thread should be updated if it's already in our cache raise_404 (bool): Raise an Exception if thread has 404'd Returns: :class:`basc_py4chan.Thread`: Thread object """ # see if already cached cached_thread = self._thread_cache.get(thread_id) if cached_thread: if update_if_cached: cached_thread.update() return cached_thread res = self._requests_session.get( self._url.thread_api_url( thread_id = thread_id ) ) # check if thread exists if raise_404: res.raise_for_status() elif not res.ok: return None thread = Thread._from_request(self, res, thread_id) self._thread_cache[thread_id] = thread return thread
[docs] def thread_exists(self, thread_id): """Check if a thread exists or has 404'd. Args: thread_id (int): Thread ID Returns: bool: Whether the given thread exists on this board. """ return self._requests_session.head( self._url.thread_api_url( thread_id=thread_id ) ).ok
def _catalog_to_threads(self, json): threads_json = [thread for page in json for thread in page['threads']] thread_list = [{'posts': [thread] + thread.get('last_replies', [])} for thread in threads_json] for thread in thread_list: thread['posts'][0].pop('last_replies', None) return thread_list def _request_threads(self, url): json = self._get_json(url) if url == self._url.catalog(): thread_list = self._catalog_to_threads(json) else: thread_list = json['threads'] threads = [] for thread_json in thread_list: id = thread_json['posts'][0]['no'] if id in self._thread_cache: thread = self._thread_cache[id] thread.want_update = True else: thread = Thread._from_json(thread_json, self) self._thread_cache[] = thread threads.append(thread) return threads
[docs] def get_threads(self, page=0): """Returns all threads on a certain page. Gets a list of Thread objects for every thread on the given page. If a thread is already in our cache, the cached version is returned and thread.want_update is set to True on the specific thread object. Pages on 420chan are indexed from 0 onwards. Args: page (int): Page to request threads for. Defaults to the first page. Returns: list of :mod:`basc_py4chan.Thread`: List of Thread objects representing the threads on the given page. """ url = self._url.page_url(page) return self._request_threads(url)
[docs] def get_all_thread_ids(self): """Return the ID of every thread on this board. Returns: list of ints: List of IDs of every thread on this board. """ json = self._get_json(self._url.thread_list()) return [thread['no'] for page in json for thread in page['threads']]
[docs] def get_all_threads(self, expand=False): """Return every thread on this board. If not expanded, result is same as get_threads run across all board pages, with last 3-5 replies included. Uses the catalog when not expanding, and uses the flat thread ID listing at /{board}/threads.json when expanding for more efficient resource usage. If expanded, all data of all threads is returned with no omitted posts. Args: expand (bool): Whether to download every single post of every thread. If enabled, this option can be very slow and bandwidth-intensive. Returns: list of :mod:`basc_py4chan.Thread`: List of Thread objects representing every thread on this board. """ if not expand: return self._request_threads(self._url.catalog()) thread_ids = self.get_all_thread_ids() threads = [self.get_thread(id, raise_404=False) for id in thread_ids] return filter(None, threads)
[docs] def refresh_cache(self, if_want_update=False): """Update all threads currently stored in our cache.""" for thread in tuple(self._thread_cache.values()): if if_want_update: if not thread.want_update: continue thread.update()
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Remove everything currently stored in our cache.""" self._thread_cache.clear()
@property def name(self): return self._board_name @property def title(self): return self._get_metadata('title') @property def is_worksafe(self): if self._get_metadata('ws_board'): return True return False @property def page_count(self): return self._get_metadata('pages') @property def threads_per_page(self): return self._get_metadata('per_page') @property def https(self): return self._https def __repr__(self): return '<Board /%s/>' %
board = Board